
This has been a very unusual morning…

I am going to spend 5 minutes writing right now & see what I can end up with. 

This has been a very unusual morning…

This morning I woke up before anyone, something very unusual for anyone who knows me in real life. I am usually the one who wakes up last…yes I’m the mom, but I’ve never EVER been a morning person & my alarm clock was always the kids. Anyway, I wake up in a great mood knowing that we are going to take the kids to a new park that we found close to home with a water section to play in…FREE! We are planning to have a picnic there & just make it a nice family day, which unfortunately we do not get enough of.

I decided to make a big breakfast…again, very unusual for me! I make what my kids have come to call “The Christmas Breakfast” – sausage gravy, scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits, a tradition I have carried on from my own mother. Everyone is so excited when they realize what I’m doing. My 9 year old son asks to help which is very unusual for him! Put him on his Xbox 360 & the world does not exist! He helps me make everything, is polite to his sisters, helps set the table & everything! After breakfast he asks what we are planning to take for our picnic. After telling him, I find him in the kitchen scrounging around the plastic container cabinet for containers to put our lunches in. I ask him what he’s doing & he says he’s packing our lunch for me. <3 What. has. happened. to. my. little. boy?!

Lunch is packed (ALL thanks to him!) & he is dressed waiting for his dad to get back from a quick job he is doing so we can go.

I sit down to reflect on all of this & am amazed by how much of a little man he has turned out to be. It’s rare moments like these that I can really see what kind of a person he has become &  what a great man, PERSON, he will become. <3 ^_^

This has been a very unusual morning...

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Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd