
6 Genius Methods Parents Can Use To Pass Healthy Habits Onto Their Kids

Getting kids to eat their greens is a perennial parental struggle. However, getting them to develop healthy habits is considerably easier. Once kids internalize a healthy way of living, such as brushing their teeth, they usually carry it with them for the rest of their lives.

Six Genius Methods Parents Can Use To Pass Healthy Habits Onto Their Kids

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In this post, we run through some genius methods to get your kids to adopt healthy habits (so you never have to fight with them again). Here’s what to do:

Use The Right Portion Sizes

Portion sizes are invariably huge in the US, but you don’t have to take cues from the local buffet. Instead, you can dish out food according to how much the human body actually needs.

Most growing kids require around 1800 to 2,400 calories per day, perhaps a little more. Read the labels on food size servings and then serve them out accordingly. If the serving sizes don’t offer enough calories, think about what other foods could make up the deficit. Try to get your child to eat as widely as possible.

Talk To Your Kids About Peer Pressure

Most children will face pressure to do something unhealthy at some point in their lives, whether it’s drinking, smoking, or taking drugs. Therefore, it’s a good idea for parents to talk to them about peer pressure. If they can understand it, they can identify it when it is happening to them and, hopefully, say no.

Eat Meals Together As A Family

Eating meals together as a family helps to imbibe conscious eating practices. Kids who scarf meals in front of the TV aren’t always thinking about what they are putting in their mouths, and how much they are eating.

Teach Your Kids About Nutrition

Six Genius Methods Parents Can Use To Pass Healthy Habits Onto Their Kids

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Most children go through life just eating things that taste good. Unfortunately in our society, that’s a risky policy. Most industrial foods cause health problems.

Parents, therefore, should point out the value of nutrition in keeping the body healthy. Kids multivitamins should be available to provide children with all of the nutrients they need to keep their energy levels high. Kids should learn about the value of beans and whole grains in the diet, not just fruit and vegetables.

Tell Your Kids To Rest

Many adults in today’s society are manic, constantly rushing around trying to get everything done. There’s a continual sense of urgency in everything they do, right from the moment they get up until they go to bed. As a result, they wind up going through life feeling burned out and exhausted.

The reasons for this stem from early life. Kids grow up under the impression that they can never take a break. The message from the world is that life is frenetic, and there isn’t a moment to lose.

As a parent, you can stop this pattern of thinking from developing. Just remind your kids that taking a break is okay, and model it for them in your own life.

Teach Your Kids About Getting Regular Health Checkups

Lastly, you’ll want to teach your kids the value of getting regular health checkups instead of ignoring problems. Dealing with issues early is usually much better than leaving them until later.

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Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd

2 thoughts on “6 Genius Methods Parents Can Use To Pass Healthy Habits Onto Their Kids

  • Love First Day vitamins! Glad to see them getting exposure 🙂

  • Katelyn Wesley

    I started teaching my kids about health and nutrition at a very young age. I suffered from obesity growing up and I didn’t want my children to go through the same struggle. I make sure they are eating balanced meals and getting enough vitamin supplements. We use First Day as a family. They’re yummy, and nicely packaged. A lot of thought was put into it from the flavor, color to the bottle. It’s really a must try!


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