
Healthy Competition in School’s Extra Activities

Healthy Competition in School's Extra Activities

There’s a lot of competition in school nowadays. The students compete against each other in academics and extra-curricular activities like sports and clubs. But is this healthy? It might sound unhealthy at first, but there are some ways to make the competitiveness fairer and teach children valuable lessons about losing and winning while they’re still young.

Here are how you can create healthier competition in your child’s extra-curriculum activities.

Have Matching/Similar Apparels

Matching clothes are an excellent way to show that everyone is equal and should be treated with respect.

Having matching attires like Spirit Wear also gives the children a sense of belonging and makes them feel like part of a team. This also relates to the “teamwork” point, where everyone must work together to succeed. It can be constructive in sports and competitions because this helps create a fun and competitive atmosphere while maintaining good values such as fairness and equality, among others.

Explain to the Children the Activities’ Purpose

This is the first step to creating healthy competition in the school’s extra activities. Explain to the children what you expect from them and why they must follow through with said expectations.

Go through examples of activities your children might be part of. This will help them understand that an extra-curricular is just like any other school requirement; they need to participate in it if they want good grades or don’t get suspended from school for bad behavior.

Let Everyone Have a Role To Play

This is very important because there is no purpose for the activity if not everyone has a role. Therefore, every child must have an equal opportunity and contribute in some way or another beyond just being part of it.

You can do this by dividing the children into small groups where each group is assigned a specific task that needs completion, such as decorating their part of the room, helping set up, or clean after an event.

Encourage Fairness

Fairness is a significant value to teach the children. When they know that everyone has a role and is essential for its success, it does not matter who wins or loses because both sides will get their just reward after completing each activity. Teach them about fairness at all times so that even when there are winners and losers, everyone feels good afterward, knowing that no one was cheated in any way.

Teach Them the Value of Losing and Winning

This is an important lesson that you will be teaching your children. While it is okay to focus on winning, if they don’t learn how to lose gracefully, they will have an adamant time in the future when dealing with other people. So if there is anything you can do while still encouraging them to win, make sure this lesson is adequately learned and help teach kids what losing feels like so they know how important it is not to take things personally or too seriously.


In conclusion, creating a healthy competition in school’s extra activities is something that can be hard for parents. However, the right strategy and mindset will help teach your children valuable lessons and provide them an opportunity to have fun.

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Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd

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