
How To Ensure You Raise A Happy, Healthy Pup!

How To Ensure You Raise A Happy, Healthy Pup!

A pup will be your best friend for life if you treat him or her with respect and love. There’s something about the love and loyalty of a dog – it’s so beautiful and pure. Once a pup gets used to you and likes being around you, then you’ve got a little buddy until the day they are no longer. If you’ve ever considered adopting a dog into your family, then you probably will have considered all the fun you’ll have and the bond you’ll build with them. The love and the bond are two things that are absolutely certain once you become close with your pup, so that’s nothing to worry about.

What you’ll have to consider, though, are the other areas around owning a dog. You have to raise them like they’re your child, of course. They don’t just grow up healthily with all the right habits on their own. A good dog is the result of a good owner – so just keep that in mind. It’s not the most stressful job in the world, so you don’t have to worry about the process too much. Here are some things you WILL have to do in order to raise a happy, healthy furbaby, though.

Keep Them Fit And Energetic

Always take them out on walks. Obviously, they’re going to be craving a walk or two, and you’ll know it because they won’t stop going on about how they want to leave the house! This is such an important part of the day, though, because they have no much pent up energy that needs to be removed from their bodies. If you keep them nice and active, then they’re going to be a lot healthier and happy – this point is easy enough, huh!?

Feed Them Perfectly!

You don’t have to become an expert in animal nutrition, of course, but simply learning a thing or two about what they like to eat would change the course of their life for the better. You’ll learn along the way the kinds of things that they like and what they’ll respond to, but there will also be fundamental foods that they should be eating. For instance, they’ll probably need some high protein dog food in order to grow and maintain a healthy body throughout their lives. There’s nothing wrong with a good treat every now and again, though!

Study Their Habits And Their Typical Nature

Just like humans, pups will display mannerisms that are exclusive to them. They won’t exactly be difficult to decipher, but it’s best to keep an eye on things. Once you discover how they behave and the routines they get into, it makes every single day a lot easier. You’ll be able to work around them and their natural inclinations. If you struggle at all, then don’t worry as you have a huge encyclopedia at your disposal – the internet.

Provide A Happy, Healthy Environment For Them

If your home is in great condition, then they’re going to live life a lot better. This goes without saying as you probably wish to live in a lovely home for yourself, but your dog will be ever so grateful for the home you bring him or her to!

Photo by Berkay Gumustekin

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Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd

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