
How Are You Supposed To Organize Thousands Of Digital Photos?

Having a camera on your phone is great because it means that you never miss an opportunity to capture a special moment. In the future, parents will have so many more amazing photos of their family, which is great, but there is a downside. Having so many digital photos does mean that they can be difficult to organize and you might struggle to find the photos that you are looking for when you go back to find them years later. Most people have this problem because they don’t put any effort into organizing and categorizing photos, they just have a huge photo album with everything in it. These simple tips will help you to keep your photos organized so you can easily find what you are looking for.

How Are You Supposed To Organize Thousands Of Digital Photos?

Use Photo Management Apps

There are some great apps that can help you to keep your photos organized and delete any duplicates that you may have from copying photos from your phone over to your computer. These photo manager apps are a must if you have a lot of photos stored on your phone and your computer. They will help you to consolidate all of your photos and collect them in one place, where you can organize them into different folders, making it so much easier to find specific photos. You will already have some basic organization tools on your computer, but downloading some extra apps will give you a whole range of extra features to use.

Name Your Photos

Naming photos is a simple way to group them and make it much easier to search for them. Giving every single photo a unique name is too much effort, but you can name things based on the date or the event that they were taken at, and then give each photo in that set a number. That way, if you want to see photos of Christmas 2014, you can easily find all of the photos taken on that day with a quick search.

Use Folders

Folders are another easy way to separate photos and narrow down your search. Creating different folders for each year is a good place to start, then you can create subfolders for each month. You could also create subfolders for specific events or even for specific groups of people. For example, why not create one folder for family and a separate one for friends in each year folder? Once everything is in folders, it’s quick and easy to file photos away in the right place and find them later on.

Back Everything Up

While you are organizing your photos, you should take the opportunity to back everything up. If you accidentally delete all of your photos, there are ways to potentially get them back but it doesn’t always work and you may have to pay. That’s why it’s best to have a backup so you don’t find yourself in that situation in the first place. You can backup photos on an external storage device or use a cloud storage service.

It takes a while to get all of your photos organized the first time you do it but once you have a system in place, it’s easy to keep on top of it.

Photo by Free-Photos

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Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd

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