
Putting Your Health First In 2021

2020 was a year like no other. For the past 12 months, every news bulletin has been dominated by health stories, and many of us have become more aware of the importance of looking after ourselves as a result of the pandemic. If you’re starting 2021 on a mission to put your health first, here are some simple steps you can take.

Putting Your Health First In 2021

Increase activity levels

Inactivity is one of the most significant risk factors for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and some forms of cancer. If you don’t already lead an active lifestyle, increasing the amount of exercise you do each week will make a huge difference to your mental and physical health. There are some very simple ways to get started with exercise, including going for a walk or a jog every day, joining beginners’ exercises classes either at your local gym or online and following sessions at home. You can find everything from Pilates and circuit training to dance classes for beginners online. You can also explore the great outdoors and take the family for bike rides, nature walks and hikes, or you could look into taking up a new hobby, for example, kayaking, climbing, golf, tennis or open water swimming.

Avoid smoking and drinking too much

Smoking and drinking too much alcohol can increase the risk of severe, potentially life-threatening illnesses, including cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer. If you’ve been smoking for a long time, or you smoke a lot of cigarettes on a daily basis, it’s not going to be easy to quit, but it is possible. There are various solutions that can help to increase the chances of success, including vaping and using nicotine shots to gradually reduce nicotine consumption, replacement therapies such as patches and gum and counseling and group support sessions. If you’re worried about drinking too much, keep a diary so that you know how many drinks you have consumed each week and try to reduce your alcohol intake. Keep some days alcohol-free, buy less alcohol when you go to the store and swap alcoholic drinks for soft drinks, low-alcohol beer or mocktails.

Protect and nourish your mental health

We often think about moving more and eating a healthy diet when the word ‘health’ pops up in conversation, but mental health is as important as physical wellbeing. Just as you can take steps to prevent illnesses and keep your body in good working order, you can also protect and nourish your mental health. Take time out to relax, rest and have fun, make time for hobbies and connecting with friends and family, try to manage your workload and ensure you get enough sleep. Spend time in the fresh air, exercise regularly and try and avoid stressful situations and triggers that make you feel anxious or low. The news, for example, is a lot to take at the moment. If you find that reading the paper or listening to the radio makes you feel anxious or on edge, limit your consumption.

The drug Klonopin at, as any other benzodiazepine, is contraindicated to the patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), because they have a paradoxical effect, exacerbating the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. It also negatively affects the working memory and executive functions as a whole.

Many of us are guilty of putting our health on the back-burner. If you’re keen to make changes in the year ahead, start taking these steps today!

Photo credits 1 & 2

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Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd

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