
Solid Advice If You’re Getting Back To Work After Becoming A Mom

You may be thinking whether it is the right decision at all to go back to the day job or even change your career. As motherhood can change you perhaps your priority for late night work is no longer your focus, more to get out of the door at the earliest opportunity so you can be around for bedtime. Priorities change, yes. But you as a person do not. If you enjoyed your job, the working environment, or simply just providing for the family, then there is no reason why you can’t consider getting back into work when the time is right for you. The mother’s guilt may be strong, but often in these cases, the overwhelming feeling to feel normal, an individual outside of the home or just to ease the family finances will motivate you to do what you have to do. As you can imagine, these thoughts are common amongst many mothers. With that in mind, here are some of the things to think about that can help you get back on track for returning to work.

Solid Advice If You Getting Back To Work After Becoming A Mom

Have you got a plan?

Some women are organized and know exactly what the plan is. They leave their job for maternity and have every intention of going back to work when it finishes. Some women decide that maternity is the right opportunity to draw a line in the sand with that particular job or career, and move forward with finding a new one during their maternity may be that you use the time to gain qualifications and then seek out an urgent care career search or find new jobs to match your new passion and skills. Some women don’t even know what they want to do, and that’s fine because at some stage the motivation, enthusiasm or passion for something will manifest itself in some way. But, try and have some sort of plan of what you intend to do.

What about working for yourself from home?

Women can be very resourceful when needed to be, and more mothers are looking at the options of working from home. This may be in your current skillset, perhaps deciding to branch out and launch your own business. Or maybe starting something new. Many women have used things like blogs to bring in an income, or perhaps taking advantage of platforms like to sell things that you can make. Many women have been hugely successful branching out on their own, and one of the biggest benefits is that you can choose the hours of business you work. Making it massively flexible around the family.

Take some time to focus on your mindset

Your mindset throughout all of this is very important to your wellbeing. It isn’t easy to be making such a big decision about your future when your emotions are running high for other reasons. Take some time out of your busy life to really connect with your mind and positive thought process. Negative thoughts can seep in even at your most happiest of times. In fact, that is when you are most vulnerable for your mind to be attacked by negative thoughts. Going back to work or venturing out on your own is just the subject to start you doubting yourself and your ability. Don’t let it rule.

Let’s hope this helps you if you are thinking of heading back to work.

Photo by StartupStockPhotos

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Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd

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