House & HomeParentingTips

Ways To Be More Sustainable As A Family

Sustainability and eco-friendly are all words that you hear daily. They are becoming more and more prevalent and at the forefront of daily news bulletins, political agendas, and the everyday mindset. That said a young and busy family does not always go hand in hand with sustainability. The endless washing, large gas-guzzling SUVs, and lights on 24 hours a day do not always lend themselves to the best environmentally aware practices. So if you are feeling guilt and looking for some ways to make your day-to-day family life more eco-friendly here are some tips to consider.

Ways To Be More Sustainable As A Family

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Use alternative transport

That is not to say that you shouldn’t have a car or even use the one you have but do you need to use it all of the time? Can you walk to school? What about opting to cycle to your destination instead? Or perhaps you can use public transport, it may even turn out that public transport will save you time and money. Not to mention the hassle of bundling little ones into car seats. Consider all your options when it comes to travel and think if you don’t need the car don’t use it.

The about the food you buy

You don’t need to make huge changes in your diet or how you and your family eat. Simple swops can still make a huge difference. Opt for products that use less plastic or packaging or producers that use sustainable practices such as Superior Farms, according to Superior Farms meat producer’s sustainability is at their core. Shoppers are becoming more and more conscious and are actively looking for companies and producers that have the most sustainable practices. You could even consider growing some of your own produce. Onions, potatoes, and tomatoes are a good place to start for novel gardeners.

Ways To Be More Sustainable As A Family

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Use eco-friendly cleaning products

Keeping the family home clean is a task in itself, one that requires a fair amount of products. The good news is there are a wide variety of eco-friendly cleaning products that don’t compromise on quality. Another great advantage is that they use fewer harsh chemicals and toxins, which is perfect for a family home. Ethical cleaning products come in a variety of forms from polish, antibacterial sprays to laundry eggs.

Gift experience

When it comes to birthdays and Christmas instead of buying more big plastic toys for the playroom or stuff that will eventually end up in landfills consider whether you can gift an experience or a day out.

It’s in the small things

Making a few small changes to your daily habits can also help improve the sustainability of your day-to-day life. Make sure all appliances are switched off that aren’t being used. Don’t leave TVs on, Alexa playing or the lights illuminated when they are not needed. Where you can dry your clothes outside instead of in the tumble dryer. If something is broken, try to fix it instead of replacing it. Recycle, recycle, recycle and switch from regular light bulbs to LED bulbs. Finally, another good tip is to try not to waste anything. Freeze meals you cannot finish, heat up leftovers for dinner and if shoes or clothes don’t fit then donate them, don’t throw them.

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Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd

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