
Speeding Up the Healing Process Post-Surgery

If you or a family member is about to undergo surgery, then it is worth thinking forward to recovery. Even the most minor of operations can take it out of the body, and it is really important that the person having surgery is able to take some time out to recover and heal as healthily as possible.

Speeding Up the Healing Process Post-Surgery

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With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the simple things you can do to help speed up the healing process post-surgery, for you or a loved one you are taking care of:


It’s obvious but if you want to heal fast after surgery, then you need to ensure you get plenty of rest. Do not try to do too much, and take the chance to practice some serious self-care, reading books, meditating, sleeping, watching TV anything that will help you to relax and take it easy on yourself.

Get up and around

Of course, although rest is important, you should also take the time to get up and move around as much as you can, providing your doctor has said it is okay to do so. Too much lying around doing nothing can result in poor mental health, bed sores, and a lowering of your fitness levels, so it is really important to not spend too much time in bed, while also making a real effort not to over-exert yourself too.

Feed yourself right

If you want to heal as quickly as possible, then you need to give your body the tools to do that, and that means you need to feed yourself lots of nourishing, energizing foods, which means eating a healthy diet of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, coming mostly from whole foods. You can have the occasional treat, but three square meals of wholesome home-cooked whole foods will go a long way to getting you back on your feet sooner, rather than later.

Stay hydrated

As well as eating right you should be sure to keep your fluid intake up too. Drinking lots of water and herbal tea will help to keep you energized, while also helping to stave off headaches and flush your system a little too.

Do what the doctor tells you post-surgery

So many people think they can jump right back into normal life post-operation, especially once they are discharged and back at home, The thing is, the doctors know what they are talking about, so it is always best to follow their instructions to the letter if you want to heal as quickly as possible. You don’t want to end up relapsing because you skipped the wound car appointment or further injuring yourself because you decided you could go for a run after all!

Healing after surgery is always going to take time, but doing the above will certainly help the patient to recover more quickly and more effectively than they otherwise might, so bear them in mind next time you or someone you care for is going under the knife.

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Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd

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