
A Comprehensive Guide for Getting Started in Homeschooling

Homeschooling is a great way to provide your child with a personalized education that meets their unique needs. If you’re new to homeschooling, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Connect with parents who are already homeschooling: Connecting with other homeschooling parents can provide you with valuable information and support. You can find local homeschooling groups through social media or online forums. You can also attend homeschooling conferences and workshops to meet other parents and learn more about homeschooling.

Get to know your state’s homeschool law: Each state has its own homeschooling laws and regulations. It’s important to understand these laws before you begin homeschooling. You can find information about your state’s homeschooling laws on the HSLDA website.

Explore your child’s learning preference, your teaching style, and your educational approach: Homeschooling allows you to customize your child’s education to meet their unique needs. Before you begin homeschooling, take some time to explore your child’s learning preferences, your teaching style, and your educational approach. This will help you create a personalized learning plan that works for your family.

Find your child’s curriculum: Many different types of curriculum are available for homeschoolers. Some families prefer an all-in-one curriculum that covers all subjects, while others prefer to use a mix of different resources. You can find curriculum reviews and recommendations on websites like Cathy Duffy Reviews and The Homeschool Mom.

Decide where you will homeschool and create your unique school schedule: Homeschooling gives you the flexibility to choose where and when you will teach your child. You can create a unique school schedule that works for your family’s needs. Some families prefer a traditional school schedule, while others prefer a year-round schedule or a flexible schedule that allows for more field trips and hands-on learning experiences.

Enjoy the learning process: Homeschooling can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your child. Take time to enjoy the learning process and explore new topics together.

Celebrate and highlight your student’s growth and achievement: Homeschooling allows you to celebrate your child’s growth and achievements in a unique way. You can create a portfolio of their work, host a showcase of their projects, or simply take time to reflect on their progress throughout the year.

Tips for Homeschooling Elementary Schoolers

Don’t try to recreate school at home. Instead, create a learning environment that works for your family and your child’s learning style. This can include creating a designated learning space, setting up a schedule that works for your family, and incorporating your child’s interests into their learning.

Take the time to deschool. Deschooling is the process of taking a break from traditional school and allowing your child to adjust to homeschooling. This can include taking time off from formal lessons, allowing your child to explore their interests, and focusing on building relationships with your child.

Believe that your children not only want to learn but are also naturally driven to learn. Children are naturally curious and want to learn about the world around them. By providing them with opportunities to explore their interests and learn in a way that works for them, you can help foster a love of learning that will last a lifetime.

Be prepared to scrap all your beautiful homeschool plans, reassess and pivot. Homeschooling is a journey that requires flexibility and adaptability. What works one day may not work the next, and it’s important to be willing to change course when necessary.

Stop compartmentalizing academic subjects. Instead, integrate them into real-life experiences and projects. This can help make learning more engaging and relevant for your child, while also helping them develop important skills like critical thinking and problem-solving.

Teaching more than one child? Try teaching them together as much as possible. This can help foster a sense of community and collaboration among your children, while also making it easier for you to manage your time and resources as a homeschooling parent.

Embrace educational screen time: stop limiting it. Use educational apps and videos to supplement learning and keep kids engaged. There are many high-quality educational apps and videos available that can help support your child’s learning in a fun and engaging way. Just be sure to set limits on screen time so that it doesn’t become a distraction or interfere with other aspects of your child’s life.

Tips For Homeschooling Middle Schoolers

Use curriculum that is developmentally appropriate for them. It is important to use a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate for middle schoolers. This means that the curriculum should be challenging enough to keep them engaged and interested, but not so difficult that they become frustrated and discouraged. It is also important to choose a curriculum that is aligned with your child’s learning style and interests.

Let them explore ideas and interests. Middle schoolers are at an age where they are starting to develop their own interests and passions. It is essential to let them explore these interests and ideas in order to foster their creativity and curiosity. Encourage them to read books, watch documentaries, and participate in activities that align with their interests.

Have lots of hands-on learning. Middle schoolers learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process. Hands-on learning activities can help them understand complex concepts and retain information more effectively. Some examples of hands-on learning activities include science experiments, art projects, and building models.

Have experiences and read-alouds. Experiences and read-alouds can help middle schoolers develop a love of learning and a deeper understanding of the world around them. Experiences can include field trips, museum visits, and community service projects. Read-alouds can include classic literature, biographies, and historical fiction.

Keep them accountable for their actions and make them responsible for the outcome. Middle schoolers are at an age where they are starting to become more independent. It is important to hold them accountable for their actions and help them develop a sense of responsibility. This can include setting goals, creating schedules, and tracking progress.

Help kids start transitioning to high school with expectations of practice for high school. Middle school is an important time for students to start preparing for high school. This can include developing good study habits, practicing time management skills, and setting academic goals. Encourage your child to take challenging courses and get involved in extracurricular activities.

Choose their own homeschool classes. Giving middle schoolers the freedom to choose their own homeschool classes can help them develop a sense of ownership over their education. This can include allowing them to choose electives that align with their interests or letting them design their own projects or assignments.

Tips for Homeschooling High Schoolers

Start preparing before high school begins: High school is an important time in your child’s education. It’s important to start preparing for high school before it begins. This can include researching colleges and universities, exploring career options, and creating a high school plan that meets your child’s goals.

Give them a voice in their curriculum: High schoolers are old enough to have a say in their education. Giving them a voice in their curriculum can help them feel more invested in their learning. You can involve them in choosing their courses, selecting textbooks, and creating projects.

Give them control of their environment: High schoolers need a space where they can focus on their studies. Giving them control of their environment can help them feel more comfortable and productive. You can involve them in decorating their study space, choosing furniture, and organizing their supplies.

Don’t overschedule: High schoolers have a lot on their plate. It’s important not to overschedule them with too many extracurricular activities or classes. This can lead to burnout and stress.

Hold them accountable: High schoolers need to be held accountable for their work and behavior. You can set clear expectations for grades, attendance, and behavior. You can also involve them in creating consequences for not meeting these expectations.

Allow them to manage their time: High schoolers need to learn how to manage their time effectively. You can involve them in creating a schedule that works for them and teach them time management skills.

Embrace their passions: High school is a great time for students to explore their passions and interests. You can encourage them to pursue extracurricular activities that align with their interests.

Earn dual credit: Dual credit programs allow high schoolers to earn college credit while still in high school. This can save time and money on college tuition.

Tips for Homeschooling Children with Special Needs

Create a supportive learning environment: Children with special needs need a supportive learning environment that meets their needs. This can include creating quiet study space, using calming colors and lighting, and minimizing distractions.

Use multisensory teaching methods: Multisensory teaching methods can help children with special needs learn more effectively. This can include using visual aids, hands-on activities, and music.

Break down tasks into smaller steps: Children with special needs may struggle with complex tasks. Breaking down tasks into smaller steps can help them feel more confident and successful. You can use checklists or visual schedules to help them stay on track.

Use assistive technology when appropriate: Assistive technology can help children with special needs access the curriculum and learn more effectively. This can include text-to-speech software, speech-to-text software, and adaptive keyboards.

Take breaks when needed: Children with special needs may need more frequent breaks than other children. Taking breaks can help them stay focused and avoid burnout. You can use a timer or visual schedule to help them manage their time.

Common Misconceptions About Homeschooling

There are many misconceptions about homeschooling. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Homeschoolers are stuck in their house all day.
  • Homeschoolers don’t have friends.
  • Kids cannot be socialized if they don’t go to school.
  • Average parents are not qualified to teach their children.
  • Homeschooled teens miss out on “the high-school experience.”

However, these misconceptions are not true. In fact, homeschooling often includes getting out of the designated learning space, and a typical day can include family, neighbors, friends, and community members. Homeschoolers can also participate in sports teams, music lessons, and other extracurricular activities. Parents do not need to be certified or have other teaching qualifications to homeschool their children. Homeschooled students can also take college courses while still in high school.

Socialization for Homeschoolers

Join local homeschooling groups or co-ops. Connecting with other homeschooling families in your area allows your children to interact with peers who share similar experiences.

Participate in community activities. Many communities offer activities like sports teams, music lessons, and art classes that can provide opportunities for socialization.

Arrange playdates and social gatherings. Setting up playdates with other homeschooling families or organizing social gatherings can help your child build relationships with other children.

Engage in volunteer work. Volunteering can be a great way for your child to meet new people and develop important social skills.

Attend classes or workshops. Many communities offer classes and workshops on a variety of topics that can provide opportunities for socialization.

Collaborate on group projects. Working on group projects with other homeschooling families can help your child develop important teamwork and collaboration skills.

Encourage public speaking. Encouraging your child to participate in public speaking events like debates or speech contests can help them develop confidence and communication skills.

Foster sibling relationships. Spending time with siblings can help your child develop important social skills like sharing, cooperation, and conflict resolution.


Getting started in homeschooling can be an exciting and rewarding journey for both you and your child. By creating a learning environment that works for your family and your child’s learning style, taking the time to deschool, and embracing your child’s natural curiosity and love of learning, you can help your child develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Remember to be flexible and adaptable, and don’t be afraid to reassess and pivot when necessary. With the right mindset and resources, you can help your child achieve their full potential and thrive in their homeschooling journey.

You can find more detailed information on how to get started in homeschooling at HSLDA and

More Homeschooling Tips:

Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd

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