
App-Based Self-Improvement Strategies For Busy Moms

60% of working mothers say that balancing home life and work is a challenge. Between driving kids to school, cleaning, finishing work before deadlines, cooking, and everything else that goes into being a mom, it comes as no surprise that there is little free time at the end of the day. In fact, researchers found that parents have about 32 minutes of free time daily. As a result, focusing on self-improvement can feel like an impossible task for moms. However, thanks to there being an app for almost everything, it’s possible to improve your skills, body, or mind in just a matter of minutes per day. Explore three ways that busy moms can add self-improvement to their routine.

App-Based Self-Improvement Strategies For Busy Moms

Practice self-care

Taking the time to improve yourself is an absolute necessity for you and your family. Not only will you feel better, but you will be able to function at your peak for your family. Spending time to renew the mind and body is known as self-care. This practice can include any number of activities and has been scientifically been proven to be beneficial. While carving out time to take care of yourself is a challenge, dozens of apps make this practice far easier. Selections such as #SelfCare, Fabulous, and Jour – Guided Journaling are top choices. What’s even more advantageous about using an app to practice self-care is they keep you on track and accountable. Rather than trying to meditate by yourself, and then getting distracted minutes later, many apps are guided and timed.

Learn a new language

Have you ever wanted to learn a new language? If so, it may feel like you’ll never again have sufficient time to develop this area of knowledge. There are now language learning apps that are designed to help you learn in a matter of minutes per day. Programs such as Babbel and Duolingo can teach you languages such as Spanish, German, French, Italian, Dutch, and many others no matter where you are. The technology that these apps use is also innovative and effective. One example of this is that they allow you to check your pronunciation using your phone’s microphone.

Never skip a workout again

Whether you live close or not, taking the time to commute to the gym and complete a full workout is not a possibility for many moms. Even with the childcare centers offered at more premium gyms, the expense can get to be too costly. To make it easier to get the regular workouts your body needs, you can instead use one of many workout apps available for your phone. Top choices include Sweat, Charity Miles, and MyFitnessPal.

Thanks to apps like these, you can train for a 5K with no experience, view how many miles you’ve walked, track your weight loss progress, and follow video workouts that fit your experience level. The best part about many of these apps is that you can choose how many minutes you can workout. If you have only 10 minutes in a given day, you can still work toward improving your body and health.

Finding the time to do anything as a busy mom is tough. If you have been wanting to prioritize self-improvement, download apps on to your phone that will keep you accountable and moving forward with your goals.

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Jess Benoit

Jess is a homeschooling mama of 3, wife, gamer, Whovian, Nerd

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